Climate Change and the Coral Reefs

A research study in Australia revealed that Philippines is rich in marine biodiversity which is connected to other marine ecosystems in the Pacific ocean. Filipino marine students are now studying the decreasing count of coral reefs which will have a great impact on our lives in the future. According to the study of Prof. Terry Hughes, Australia’s foremost marine biologist on coral ecosystems, marine biology students in the Philippines could do a big help to further study the problems in coral ecosystems to learn the possible outcome on aquatic life and Filipino livings.

The study found out three major threats to the existence of coral reefs around the world: climate change, over fishing and land runoff.

Last June 5, scientific presentations happened at the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) Forum, where Hughes presented his present research which discussed the state of the world’s coral ecosystems and the impacts of climate change.

The CTI is a multilateral partnership between six governments (the CT6) 1 to safeguard the region’s marine and coastal biological resources.

During the Philippines celebration of World Oceans Day last June 8, Hughes gave a lecture at the Siliman University in the event of “Scientists in Schools” initiative of the Australian Embassy in Manila. he also served as a lecturer at the University of the Philippines Marine Sciences Institute and the Philippine Science High School with the theme “Youth: the Next Wave for Change.”

Moreover, Australian Ambassador Bill Tweddell said that the science program supports the Philippine government’s main concern of nurturing science education and research.

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  1. Thank you for helping us to do our assignment and I hope that you help more people like us

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