Betel Nut Extract as Component of Adhesives


The increase in the demand for adhesives in several business sectors calls for higher production, which requires more sources of raw materials for adhesive components. Modern methods of adhesive formulation usually use harmful synthetic chemicals and animal proteins that contribute to damages in the environment. Thus, there is a need to look for more natural sources. This study tested the suitability of betel nut extract as a component of adhesive.

An adhesive solution containing 75 percent betel nut extract and 25 percent benzoic acid was used to bond different combinations of materials at 1 hour, 1.5 hours, and 2 hours drying periods. The effectiveness of the adhesive was tested by measuring the amount of force needed to break the bonds between the materials.


Adhesives abound on the market. These adhesives may vary in nature depending upon their uses. Their nature is highly affected by the materials used in preparing them.

Animal protein, casein, and resins are the common materials used in preparing animal-based adhesives. Animal proteins are usually from animal skins, bones, and other animal parts. Historically, it is the oldest material used for making adhesives. Casein is the protein from milk, and resins can be sourced out from plants or prepared synthetically (Austin, 1984)

Materials & Equipment

Selected References:

Benett, Linda. Adhesive Information. Pagewise Inc. 2001
Austin, George. Shreve’s Chemical Process Industries. MacGraw-Hill Inc. U.S. 1984.

Further clarification of the procedures and results should be directed to the researchers and adviser.

Mark Josef N. Ravago

Ms. Marie Christine W. Merca
Philippine Science High School
Bicol Region Campus

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